Online applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for filling up various Posts of Constituent
Units of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) through Direct Recruitment / Training Scheme
Opening date and time for submission of online application 24-04-2023 (10.00 hrs)
Closing date and time for receipt of online application 22-05-2023 (23.59 hrs)
Direct Recruitment
Post Number of
Classification Pay Level Entry Pay (₹)
I. Technical Officer/C 181 Group A Level 10 56,100
II. Scientific Assistant/B 7 Group B Level 6 35,400
III. Technician/B 24 Group C Level 3 21,700
Training Scheme (Stipendiary Trainee)
Category No. of
st year 2nd year
I. Category I 1216 ₹24,000/- ₹26,000/-
II. Category II 2946 ₹20,000/- ₹ 22,000/-
Details of vacancies in various disciplines/trades, requisite educational/technical qualification and
reservation in various categories is given below.
Technical Officer/C
Online applications are invited for the post of Technical Officer/C in the following disciplines with
educational/technical qualifications such as M.Sc., M.Lib., B.E. / B.Tech. from a recognized University /
Board of Technical Education of Central or State Government.
Scientific Assistant/B
Online applications are invited for the post of Scientific Assistant/B in the following discipline with
educational qualifications from a recognized University of Central or State Government. Candidates
undergoing / completed M.Sc. Integrated course shall produce B.Sc. degree Certificate.
Online applications are invited for the post of Technician/B in the following trades with Educational /
Technical Qualifications from a recognized Board of Technical Education of Central or State Government.
Category-I Stipendiary Trainee
Online applications are invited for Category-I Stipendiary Trainee in the following disciplines with
educational/technical qualifications from a recognized University / Board of Technical Education of Central or
State Government. The diploma should be 3 years after SSC or 2 years after HSC / ITI / B.Sc. Candidates
undergoing/completed M.Sc. Integrated course and applying for Post Code No.TR-01 to TR-06 shall produce
B.Sc. degree Certificate.
Category-II Stipendiary Trainee
Online applications are invited for Category-II Stipendiary Trainee in the following trades with
Educational / Technical Qualifications from a recognized Board of Technical Education of Central or State
Physical Standards (Applicable to Training Scheme)
Minimum Height: 160 cm and Minimum weight: 45.5 kg
(Relaxable if the candidate is otherwise medically fit)
- AGE LIMIT (As on closing date of receipt of application)
Date of Birth filled by the candidate in the online application form and the same recorded in the
Matriculation / Secondary Examination Certificate will be accepted by this Centre for determining the age and
no subsequent request for change will be considered or granted.
3.1 Technical Officer/C
Selection will be on the basis of performance in interview. In case, the response is more, this Centre
reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview by conducting Computer
Based Screening Test in the concerned discipline on all India basis. The decision of this Centre in this regard
will be final.
3.2 Scientific Assistant/B and Category-I Stipendiary Trainee
The Computer Based Screening Test of one hour duration will be conducted on all India basis and
will comprise of 40 multi choice questions (choice of 4 options). ‘3’ marks will be awarded for each correct
answer and ‘1’ mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. The syllabus for the said examination will be
based on subjects at Diploma / B.Sc. level as the case may be. Those candidates qualifying in the Screening
Test shall be shortlisted for interview. The venue of interview will be intimated later.
Final selection will be on the basis of performance of the candidate in interview and no weightage
will be given for marks scored in the Screening Test. The decision of this Centre in this regard will be final.
3.3 Technician/B and Category-II Stipendiary Trainee
The Selection Process consists of Tests in three stages –
Stage 1 – Preliminary Test
Stage 2 – Advanced Test
Stage 3 – Skill Test.
The Computer Based Test will be conducted on all India basis for Stage 1 – Preliminary Test and Stage 2 –
Advanced Test for concerned trade in a single Session. However, the evaluation of Stage 2 – Advanced Test
will be carried out only of those candidates qualified in the Stage 1 – Preliminary Test.
Stage 1 – Preliminary Test
ï‚· Screening Test consisting of 50 multi choice questions (choice of 4 options) of one hour duration in
the following proportion:
Mathematics – 20 questions
Science – 20 questions
General awareness – 10 questions
 ‘3’ marks will be awarded for each correct answer and ‘1’ mark will be deducted for each incorrect
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ï‚· All candidates with less than 40% in general category and less than 30% in reserved category will
be screened out.
Stage 2 – Advanced Test
ï‚· The Test will comprise of 50 multi choice questions (choice of 4 options) of two hours duration.
 ‘3’ marks will be awarded for each correct answer and ‘1’ mark deducted for each incorrect answer.
ï‚· Merit List of candidates will be prepared after Stage-2, based upon the scores obtained in Stage-2
ï‚· All candidates with less than 30% in general category and less than 20% in reserved category will be
screened out.
Stage 3 – Skill Test
ï‚· The number of candidates shortlisted for Skill Test will depend upon the number of candidates
qualifying for Stage 2 but will not exceed 4 to 5 times the number of vacancies in each trade.
ï‚· The Skill Test will be based on Go/No-Go basis.
 Based upon the Merit List prepared after Stage 2 – Advanced Test, candidates will be shortlisted
for Stage 3. Candidates clearing the Skill Test will be shortlisted and empanelled in order of Merit
based on the marks secured in Stage 2 – Advanced Test.
Resolutions in the Event of tie in Empanelment Criteria in the following order:
ï‚· Candidate with Lower negative marks in Stage 2 to be placed higher on the Merit List.
ï‚· Candidate with Higher marks in Stage 1 to be placed higher on the Merit List.
ï‚· Candidate with Lower negative marks in Stage 1 to be placed higher on the Merit List.
ï‚· Candidate with Higher positive marks in Mathematics in Stage 1 to be placed higher on the Merit
ï‚· Candidate with Higher positive marks in Science in Stage 1 to be placed higher on the Merit List.